


You can find the API key in the Frontu system by going to the Settings -> API tab and there you will find your API key, which you can use to authenticate via url parameter. In this case you need to set access_token and fill your generated API key.


For the header authentication you need to set: KEY = Authorization VALUE = Bearer MjE5ZWQ2YTFhZTczMjIxNjNhNTY3ZGRjNjNjM2JkZDdhMTM1ZGYyNDhmY2ZkYjA2M2Y4NTQzNzFlNTNhNjdkOA

GUID / SystemId logic

  • GUID - is a unique identifier generated by Frontu
  • SystemId - is a unique identifier from the system you’re integrating Frontu with.

Question - why using systemId makes integration easier (easy mapping with systemX)?

To make an integration easier we recommend to use the systemId field which should have the same value as it has in the system you’re integrating with. In this case you will not need to store and additionally map items between the systems. IMPORTANT: systemId is a unique value, so make sure you don’t have duplicate values in your system.

Create / Update item

While sending data using a POST method to the API, Frontu tries to identify it. In the first stage, Frontu tries to find an item by GUID if it is provided. Secondly - by systemId. If such an item exists in the Frontu database, it will be updated, or otherwise - created.

Deleted FLAG

Frontu provides only a soft delete option to keep data integrity. To make an item “archived” you have to change the value of the “deleted” field. 1 - means that item is archived. 0 - means that item is active.

Version field logic

Frontu gathers a big amount of data. To make sure you would not need to synchronize all of it every time - you can use the “version” field to filter it. “version” field value is a unix timestamp value (UTC timezone) which defines the last time an item has been updated. E.g.: 1623830251


It allows to filter data via query params. For example, you want to get detailed info about tasks. In this case, you can fill in information like guid in the query params, systemId, bill status, task status, or flag which allows you to filter tasks if they are received by an external system, task code, and version. If you fill in information about one of these params you will get filtered data according to these parameters.


We are limiting the number of requests from one IP address -> up to 1000 requests from one IP within 5 min.