SystemX->Frontu (Clients + Objects + Equipments)


Clients + Objects + Equipments

Client - entity which saves all the client information.

Workspace - a particular managed facility, place, or equipment. If one site contains several facilities, each of them is registered as a separate object.

For example, you have a Client which is “UAB Client”, which has some additional data like company tax/VAT ID, Code/E.I.N number, address, city, phone number, email, etc.

For example, Workspace has some information too, like workspace name which for example are “Shop”, address, customer (which means client), serial number and etc.

For example, Equipment has some information too, like equipment name which for example are “Fridge”, Code, Equipment, Workspace, serial number and etc.

So as you can see Client is “UAB Client” and it has an object where the task can be created, for example in the workspace “Shop” and object has the equipment “Fridge

Endpoints to use for the Clients + Objects + Equipments

First of all, before creating an object you need to create a client. So you need to use this endpoint -

In this case fill all needed information like the title - client name, address - client address and etc.

In next steps you need to create object -

And last step is to create equipment :

Real-world data mapping examples of most common cases

First of all, you need to create Clients for example fill in this data.


IMPORTANT: the title is a required field.

Then you will get a response:


In this case, you can take the client systemId or the guid and use it in the workspace.

Workspace creation example:


IMPORTANT: title and the client is required fields.

Then you will get a response:


And you can see that you have a relationship with the Workspace and Client.

Equipment creation example:


IMPORTANT: you can use the systemId for the workspace or the guid of the Frontu

Then you will get a response:


And you can see that you have a relationship with the Workspace and Equipment.